Holding Space


In this photo, I’m sitting next to a close friend and conference panelist, Devin Hibbard. I’m chairing a panel on the hard parts of entrepreneurship, and all of us are sharing the vulnerable, and often hidden costs of starting and leading organizations that make positive change in people’s lives. What’s rarely spoken is the toll that takes on the founders. On this day, we brought that discussion out in the open, and with Devin, as well as Royce Haynes and David Mayer (not pictured), we covered topics that included marriage (and divorce), alcoholism (and recovery), personal financial loss (without recovery), and the power of generational support.

I treasure these opportunities to host the hard conversations, and am honored to be invited to open and hold a safe space for people to bring forward their deeper truths. It mirrors my work with individual clients, but in this way, I’m able to serve a much broader community. Many thanks to Alex Raymond, the founder of the Conscious Entrepreneur Summit, for this opportunity.