It’s wild to contemplate that I’ve been skiing for 50 years; something on the order of 2,500 days.
I’ve learned to ski 5 times. So far. First was as a little kid. Next as a ski racer. Third as a powder and big mountain skier, which brought a clear end to the ski racing. Then I learned to telemark and backcountry ski. Now I’ve learned how to ski with tai chi and energy, not just muscle power, cannabis, and testosterone.
It’s been a breakthrough year in that I’ve skied largely without knee pain for the first time in at least five years, if not more. With the help of healers and my tai chi Sifu, I’ve learned to open up my body, and let the chi flow around and through all the pain.
The highlight of the season (SO FAR) was, oddly, on a ski lift, with a great crew that included Marco. We were at Copper, which is not typically known for epic ski moments. However, I got to experience a rift in space-time, in which my 16-year-old self riding on the E lift caught a glimpse of the 52-year-old self on the Super B. Teen Greg was deciding — then and there — to move to Colorado, and “do this ALL the time.” Today’s self felt the young-me seeing the now-me, and, well, it was transcendent. Worm hole!